Think outlandish. Always.

Shedding Blinding Light on problems that plague our society

Feedback: A Memoir by the readers

What the community thinks about Me, what they think about my content.

Whether they wish to remain anonymous, or openly voice their opinions, I respect both the sects equally.

This is what the Outlandish Community thinks after 1 year of work.

If you want to leave me a feedback, you can either leave a comment down below and I’ll add it to this page, or drop me a mail at

PS: These reviews are purely in their own words and haven’t been doctored in any way by me.

Anuja (Runningonthecarousel):

There are certain people who set rules. There are also people who follow them, yet very rarely you come across people who are the exceptions. I just so happened to be very good friends with one such person, who is the author of this blog.

The posts here are guaranteed to be phenomenal, they challenge you to think beyond the mundane, beyond the “socially accepted” norms and mentalities.

My personal favourites are decoding the cry, the origin story series, and the one on long distance relationships.

Understanding the problems and their causes is just as important if not more than effectively communicating them to people. This blog helps you understand the whys and hows of most problems that society faces today, and also what approaches you may opt for to conquer over these problems.

As this blog completes a year of helping people, I’d like more and more peopl to read it and change their lives, as I believe that is the whole idea behind the efforts that the author has put in.

Cheers to several further years of helping people!

-Anuja Bendre


Its been very few days that i have been reading your blog.. n i must say the only writer i have been reading constantly these days.. the least known or talked topic makes ur blog more interesting.

The the important thing is one can relate it to themself… its like, this is exactly what happened or i was thinking about this only (how does he know🤔)… No out of the world kind of things..There is nothing hypothetical… Crystal clear reality… Content and specific writing…

Whether its paranoia, the unspoken word, cost of freedom, long distance relationships, origin story n not to forget why the magic drink.. love the way you write.. keep it up…looking forward to read more such writing…

Good luck👍✌


Dear Rahul

(Devil– As I know him)

Though I have recently started following “THINK OUTLANDISH” but the impact was rock solid.

From the first article that I read (Origin story) to the latest – LDR (Long Distance Relationships), each of the article had a strong message very clear and out loud. Each article is different from the other and every time I read it a different and a new thought or idea of life hits my mind.

Very practical and bold use of thoughts is what makes me eager to read the next one.

Keep up the good work and keep
posting frequently.


Thanks a lot for writing on such crucial and vital topics and it is really appreciable.

Your blogs are prolific just like your presence! 😛 You’re an eloquent writer Rahul !

I would really like to read your upcoming blogs!
Keep it up!

Phani Chandan:

First of all, What a name!

You thought outlandish to get ‘Think Outlandish’ – :p forgive me for that !!!

On a serious note, you write f***ing amazing bro!

Don’t know how, but I connect to your each and every blog and that’s a great sign.

Your thoughts are too deep and always practical. Just have read some of your work and have noticed that you’ve never been biased but have always weighed the ‘+’ and ‘– ‘ of every aspect.

Before starting to read your blog, I thought I’m the only one who thinks in such a different way but now I’m happy. Let me know if you agree with some of our thoughts matching.

I think you can remotely read minds cause whenever i get a doubt about something, it gets cleared in the next few sentences.

Loved the ‘Origin Story’ and looking forward to the next episodes.

Highly appreciate the time you spend to make people’s lives better. Wish you a much larger following which would grow manyfold.


First of, you acknowledge people’s problems around you and give them a thought.. that’s commendable and that shows how compassionate you are so hats off to you for that… People often isolate the damaged people…you never wrote when I was stuck up in mess and you personally helped me a lot to get through my hardest times and I owe you a big time for that.

Speaking about your writing, you try to be as accurate as possible in understanding a difficult situation or a person’s thought process and expressing it in the right way. So that’s what I like about your blogs. And of course your diction.

And About your self-esteem and insecurity post, I think to a little extent wasn’t as coherent. I have sensed a tinge of insecurity and self denial in you. I feel even you were/are/have been faced/facing emotionally challenging situations but you bottle your negative feelings up fearing to become volatile. So what you write for others you fail to apply for yourself sometimes.

What I want to convey here is that you can be more confident and happy. You deserve it.


I must say this is one of the blogs which addresses issues which have been talked/joked/ignored by people around the world for quite a few years now.

A new perspective on these topics related to Culture, Relationships and mainly Social Life, definitely found a way towards people through my friend who writes this blog. Talking about myself, even I used to think about these topics but never got a chance to potray them in front of the world.

But, even I was able to discuss these topics with him and found a different Point of View to look towards these topics.


“People believe what they want to believe. And more often than not, what they want to believe is far from the truth.”

Full of relatable content, this blog strikes the right balance of advice and reality check, preaches without being too preachy, and has posts on a broad range of topics, which includes societal pressures and relationships.

It also talks about on sensitive issues such as paranoia and over thinking, especially since our world has become so accustomed and also a bit tethered to posts and likes. (and memes which I love, I will shamelessly admit). As a bit of an overthinker myself, I perfectly empathize with the content.

But one of the best posts is the one called Why The Magic Drink. In a time where people drink to the fullest, and what’s more, are proud of it, it’s interesting to see another non-drinker’s perspective on the same.

Also, it’s not just limited ed to thoughts on today’s society. Other subjects such as the cost of freedom and humans’ right to living on earth are covered, ending perfectly so that they are open for discussion.

Lastly, there is a chapter wise love story, simple yet sweet, for the inner romantic in you. All in all, a terrific read.


A person with full of conscience about what is happening in day to day life, what a person feels in a typical or yet different situation at times. Your blogs definitely helped me in every aspect of my life. Some of them gave me way to come out of some situations faced by most of us daily and don’t know what to do.
Keep writing such blogs this is what people need nowadays to overcome small milestones .


The content is really good, persuading reader towards looking at certain concepts from various angles.I really enjoy reading them.keep it up.

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