For generations, it is well established that lowering of inhibitions leads to euphoria. This discovery was in the wake of opioids and hallucinogenics, which produce ‘morphine-esque’ effects which cause numbing of the nervous system ~ pain receptors ~ in particular.

Often being the only non-drinker in most of my social groups, I’ve often pondered the question WHY. Why do people drink? Why, someone ~anyone~ who is not depressed or lonely or going through some emotional trauma would opt for an alcoholic beverage?

In the past, I’ve done a post to Decode The Cry, Why not do the same with another one from the set of popularly accepted social protocols, that I don’t fit into?

Decoding the Drink

The reasons I could think of cover everything from cat-like curiosity to severe depression. And in line with the popular saying, this curiosity can also kill you.

  1. Naive Curiosity:
    People who have never tried a sip of booze, but have been around a lot of people who enjoy the occasional drink as well as not-so-occasional drink, often get inquisitive about the feeling of euphoria. This feeling of wonder about the magical place people go to after being tipsy and more has lured many an innocent people.
    I guess this gets a pass, as who wouldn’t be seduced if someone described a place where everything made you feel lively, joyous without a care in the world?
    I, also have hung around enough frequent boozers, but I have never felt the intense enough curiosity to try a non-virgin drink.

  2. Adapting to the Environment:
    All living organisms adapt to their environments in order to last longer. People in a social group of drinkers might start drinking against his better judgment if he feels
    that it’ll earn him more brownie points with the group. This leads to loss of one’s unique identity, which is also related to LowSelfEsteem.

  3. Life Events and/or Personality Traits:
    People may be drinking because of something that happened in their lives which made them depressed or deeply hurt or both.
    Alcohol, the all-around healer for internal wounds, be it a bad breakup or be it a death of a pet or a close family member. The role of Alcoholic beverages as a healer comes into picture when the sufferer is alone.
    Some people have a hard time dealing with things that make them uncomfortable, hurt them, let them down. Such people have dealt with such hurtful past before, and as a defense mechanism they disengage the situation and push everything down. This suppressed pain, at some point, start eating at them and the only solution they might find is at the bottom of a bottle.
    There isn’t always a negative reason for a person to start drinking. Some people might be thrill seeker just trying on new things, which hooks them for the long run.

  4. StressBuster:
    People in high-stress jobs have to deal with a lot of crap on a daily basis. Alcohol acts a neural inhibitor which reduces pain and stress. De-stressing the mind and body helps us to function better. This is one valid application of alcohol, but that being said, there are far better things to do which help in reducing stress and that don’t harm the body. Alcohol for stress relief is like chemotherapy for a common cold. That medically doesn’t make sense I know, it just fit the metaphor.

  5. Role Models:
    People look up to others when they’re not content with what they are, or they have a desire for more, a desire to be like someone who is currently in a position of power and fame. People model their lives to match the lives of their models or someone they respect/admire or want to please. Monkey See Monkey Do applies here as well. If the role model is a drinker, then there’s about 75-80% chance that the individual will take up drinking.

And the major reason. FUN.

On a sillier note, Alcohol may have some funny side effects as well. The example of Rajesh Ramayan Koothrapalli comes to mind. The shy Indian boy with selective mutism starts singing like a canary when even a single drop of alcohol hits the tongue.

Alcohol reduces inhibitions and induces euphoria, as I have stated before. Seeking that alcoholic ‘high’ to make oneself feel better. People drink because they expect a pleasurable experience. Enjoying a night, floating as high as the clouds, laughing at every single stupid funny & non-funny bullshit, qualifies as an awesome night out with your pals.

Alcohol also has a truth serum effect. All the things that people are keeping pushed down come pouring out, after a few drinks. Guys and Girls reveal their crushes and feelings. People find the person of the opposite sex compatible and/or approachable which they normally wouldn’t. This leads to a lot of crazy stories.


Being the Only Non-Drinker in the social group has its perks. Even though you don’t have the tipsy happiness, you get to watch other people go nuts and fall head over heels for nothing. You get to play judge, jury, and executioner. You have the most vivid memory and all the secrets revealed during the night are with you.

I am proud Non-Drinker, and I wouldn’t change that for a chance at artificial euphoria.