Mystery. Unspoken word you say? Let’s give you something to think about.

Growing up, most of you would have heard the saying

The Unspoken Word Does No Harm.

However, I wonder what the guy who said this, intended to say. This phrase is highly ambiguous as it does not mention the parties at work. Either of the parties is bound to get hurt; Now, or in the future.

Words hurt. Harsh words uttered by your parents or teachers in response to your behavior, which in your mind might have been appropriate, but was, in fact, wrong; they hurt. As a child, all of us were quite adamant. We all were quite naive, and most of us still are. Since long, crying has been seen as a point of weakness. Getting tears to well up in your eyes just because of some harsh words from a colleague or family was often seen as a weakness and often we got teased by our siblings.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me. Whoever came up with this, was either dead inside, or used to cry in the corner when no one was looking and/or probably he was suffering from LSE. 😛

Unspoken words can hurt just as much as the spoken word. Every thought that we have has a consequence. Whatever we think, if we like it, we accept it and bring it into existence. But if we don’t like it, we try and rationalize that thought, fool ourselves by giving some vague reasoning that makes just enough sense to rid ourselves of that thought, temporarily.

Whatever we think, shapes who we are. Even if we try and push it down, it changes us, haunts in our darkest moments. Funny thing about relationships is that one doesn’t always have to speak out, to convey his thoughts.

The dark thoughts that we don’t say out loud, makes us do things. The things our loved ones do not expect.

And more often than not, these things aren’t pleasant. Suicide, the pioneering example of unspoken feelings leading to hurt loved ones.

This has gotten too dark.

Unspoken word has some other meaning. Reading in between the lines comes to mind. If you’re someone like me, we analyze every sentence, looking for hidden meaning, looking for insights into the other person’s mind. Thinking how the other party thinks gives some power. In this case, the unspoken word is like an untapped well of un-ending resources. On one hand, it helps us increase our perception, increase our social interaction ability, and on the other hand, it’s just amusing to watch people go nuts after trying to figure out how did we know something.

Songs, poems or even thrilling scenes in your favourite TV shows, everything can convey tons of hidden messages. Songs that we can relate to, at a particular moment, convey the message strongly than at any other time. This can be, The Scientist by Coldplay being played at a farewell party or Green Day’s When its Time as a proposal, or listening to Ed Sheeran’s Perfect as journey song playing in the background on a late night drive with your loved person. Every one of those songs conveys a deep meaning to those who listen.

Songs, even though they technically have spoken words. They convey much more meaning via subtext. And the thing is, there is no right or wrong answer in personal interpretation. So everyone has their own version. This is generally the case with the Truth.

Truth doesn’t exist, there’s only perception.

And to point of the raging irony here, perception is nothing but unspoken words. What Someone gleans from the story, what hidden meaning or subtext they unearth, is their version of the truth.